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Why User Experience Design Matters for Business Success?

  • By Intelliswift
  • 12 September, 2023

"Design is not what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

-Steve Jobs

In today's customer-centric corporate landscape, businesses constantly strive to deliver experiences that truly resonate with their customers. With an ever-growing emphasis on intuitive, seamless, and enjoyable interactions, UX design has become an indispensable factor in determining the fate of a business. The ability to craft immersive experiences that captivate users has become a critical differentiator in a competitive marketplace. According to a recent study by Forrester Research, implementing a well-designed user interface can potentially increase a website's conversion rate by up to 200%. Furthermore, a superior UX design could yield even more remarkable results, with conversion rates reaching up to 400%.

What is User Experience?

User Experience (UX) is about creating seamless and easy-to-use experiences for people using different products and services. It combines elements like visual design, information organization, interaction design, usability, and accessibility. The goal of UX design is to adopt a holistic approach, where every element contributes to an exceptional user journey, ensuring that individuals can easily navigate, interact with, and derive value from a product or service.

Why Does User Experience Matter?

Developing an excellent user experience is a pivotal role in many aspects of the business. Some of its benefits include:

  1. Enhancing Customer Satisfaction: As mentioned above, UX designers ensure effortless interaction with products or services, resulting in a seamless and delightful experience for customers. Customers' satisfaction levels soar when they have positive experiences and perceive value in a product or service. Satisfied customers are more inclined to engage with a business repeatedly and develop loyalty. Consequently, this boosts customer retention and generates positive word-of-mouth referrals.
  2. Competitive Advantage: A superior user experience can differentiate a business from its competitors in a crowded marketplace. By investing in UX design, companies can deliver seamless, intuitive, and delightful experiences that attract and retain customers. This competitive advantage helps capture market share, stand out in the industry, and create a distinct brand identity. Moreover, delivering a superior user experience allows a business to establish a strong presence within the industry. By consistently providing seamless and intuitive experiences, the business gains a reputation for being customer-focused and technologically advanced. This sets them apart and positions them as leaders in the industry.
  3. Increased User Engagement: A well-designed user experience goes beyond just usability—it actively encourages and fosters user engagement. Through intuitive navigation, clear calls-to-action, and a visually appealing interface, users are captivated and compelled to interact with the product or service. When engaged, users are more likely to invest time and effort into interacting with the brand. They may explore additional features, browse different sections, or delve deeper into the provided content. This extended interaction increases the likelihood of conversions and transactions and allows users to form a deeper connection with the brand.
  4. Cost Savings and Efficiency: UX design helps identify and address potential usability issues early in development. By conducting user research, usability testing, and iterative design, businesses can uncover and rectify usability problems before they become costly to fix. By addressing usability issues early, businesses can avoid lengthy delays caused by extensive rework or redesign. This shortened development cycle allows products to be brought to market faster, gaining a competitive advantage and maximizing revenue potential.
  5. Adaptability to Evolving User Expectations: User expectations and technology are constantly evolving. By investing in UX design, businesses can stay attuned to these changes and adapt quickly to remain relevant in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. Through user research, market analysis, and ongoing user feedback, companies can understand evolving user expectations, embrace emerging trends, and implement innovative solutions to meet those expectations effectively.

How to Get Started on UX design?

The UX design process involves several methods and activities that help designers create user-centered products or services. Here are some commonly used methods in the UX design process:

  1. User Research: This method gathers insights about the target users, their behaviors, needs, and preferences. It includes techniques such as interviews, surveys, field studies, and persona development to understand the target audience better.
  2. User Personas: User personas are fictional representations of typical users based on user research. They help designers understand and empathize with different user types, their goals, and motivations, enabling them to design for specific user segments.
  3. Information Architecture: Information architecture organizes and structures content and information within a product or service. It helps users navigate and find what they need easily. Methods like card sorting and user flow diagrams are used to create effective information architectures.
  4. Wireframing: Wireframing is the creation of low-fidelity visual representations of a user interface. Wireframes outline the product's layout, structure, and functionality, providing a blueprint for the design. They help in early-stage visualization and communication of design ideas.
  5. Prototyping: Prototyping involves creating interactive, medium to high-fidelity representations of the final product. Prototypes can be used to simulate user interactions, test usability, and gather feedback before moving to the development phase. Tools like Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD are commonly used for prototyping.
  6. Usability Testing: Usability testing involves observing users as they interact with a product or prototype. This method helps identify usability issues, gather feedback, and validate design decisions. Usability tests can be conducted through in-person sessions, remote testing, or moderated/unmoderated methods.
  7. Iterative design: Iterative design is an ongoing process of refining and improving the design based on user feedback and testing results. It involves making incremental changes and continuously iterating on the design to achieve the best user experience. This method ensures that the product evolves and adapts to user needs over time.
  8. Visual design: Visual design focuses on the aesthetics and visual appeal of the product. It involves selecting colors, typography, icons, and other visual elements that align with the brand and create a visually pleasing experience. Visual design enhances the overall user experience and creates a cohesive and engaging interface.
  9. User Testing and Feedback: Collecting feedback from users throughout the design and development process is crucial. This can be done through surveys, interviews, focus groups, or user testing sessions. User feedback helps validate design decisions, identify improvement areas, and ensure that the final product meets user expectations.

Case Studies

In recent times, there has been a noticeable shift towards prioritizing a seamless and engaging user experience, even within the financial industry. Many financial institutions recognize the importance of creating a banking experience that is user-friendly and easy to navigate. One notable example is the Bank of America, which experienced a remarkable 45% increase in registrations following its UX redesign. This demonstrates a well-executed user experience's tangible impact on customer engagement and satisfaction within the banking sector.

That's not it! Facebook surpassed MySpace by leveraging its superior innovation and delivering a user-friendly service—a trait shared by other successful brands such as Google, Amazon, and Airbnb. This user-friendly approach has played a pivotal role in propelling these brands to achieve global success.

These success stories testify to the transformative power of UX design within the industries, motivating others to embrace this change and deliver exceptional experiences to their customers.


Prioritizing a superior user experience is necessary for businesses aiming to stand out in today's competitive digital landscape. By investing in a well-crafted UX design that boasts a cohesive structure, companies can minimize user frustration and cultivate customer loyalty through an intuitive, functional, and user-friendly application.

At Intelliswift, we have established ourselves as experts in the field, renowned for creating exceptional UX designs that are visually captivating while ensuring seamless navigation and interaction. Our service covers various areas, including mobile app UX, website UX, e-commerce portals, product/application interfacing, wearable design, app store slides, pitch decks, social media creatives, and UX research. By leveraging our expertise, businesses can unlock the potential to elevate their digital experiences and drive success in the online realm.

Contact us to explore the full scope of our services and discover how we can help you create remarkable user experiences.

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